Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Wednesdays are my favorite! Cross-country skiing, and now Modern Family, and The Strokes on Fallon. Yessssss!

Monday, March 21, 2011

BBC Angst, rehashed.

BBC has gotten the best of me again. When will I ever learn, seriously? They have a tactic, draw you in to a show. Make you completely addicted to it. Then ruin everything and break your heart. I experienced this with Robin Hood. I experienced this with Doctor Who. I experienced this with Torchwood. And now, for some reason I thought that things might, just MIGHT be different with Being Human. But noooo, they had to go and be consistent with this torturous pattern. When will I ever learn?

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I just attended an open forum on campus about making Weber State a tobacco/smoke free campus. It is apparently comparable to genocide and at the same time, B.O.

I'm not even for it. I don't think it should be passed. But those who also felt that same way went a little over board. Genocide? Really? REALLY??
