Monday, November 8, 2010


Usually Sundays stress me out. They come too fast, and I can never enjoy them because all day long I just keep thinking "tomorrow is monday, monday means school, school means due dates, due dates means that I have to actually have my homework finished. homework being finished means that I needed to have started two weeks ago when it was assigned, and not tonight. damn it." BUT Today has been good. I slept in, checked EPL scores (Liverpool won 2-0 to Chelsea! Torres scored both goals, which is awesome because he was getting a lot of critisism for not "being on form" or "not focused" or whatever), ALSO, someone on Polyvore, who is from Serbia, liked some of my sets! I went on a walk in the back pasture, with the cats following me, and kicked around my soccer ball (I have been really missing soccer a lot, lately. I am mad and kind of resentful that I ever had to quit. Ignore this angsty part, though, because this post is about the GOOD day I had) I went to dinner with my mom to Rooster's and got Margarita pizza and bread pudding, (mmm!) worked on my art project (thanks to my uncle, Mike) and I finally finished my two reports. Ahh, since when did not sleeping til two and then sitting on the computer all day feel so good? Oh? always? Whoops. I ought to try it more often.

Here is the next phase of my Zapata project. It need a bit more red, but the process is actually a lot more complicated/frustrating than it might seem, so that will have to wait.

edit: I just barely tried with making the hair and moustache red, what do you guys think? In one way, I like that it has more red. (I like red white and green, because they are the colors of the Mexican flag), but at the same time, with JUST red and green, it sort of seems Christmas-y. Opinions?

1 comment:

  1. You could do the mustache black and his hair red, or you could do his mustache red and leave the hair black. I agree that it needs some black to offset the feeling of Christmas.
