Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Facebook Angst

Sometimes I feel like I am being mocked with people's status updates. I know it is just me being over-sensitive and bitter. But really? I am sooo sick of hearing about fun parties, and wedding preparations, and how cute or sweet or adorable people's boyfriends/fiances/husbands are.

(sigh) I think I have just been having a lot of single-angst. But really, when I find my someone I will do all of my single friends (if I still have any single friends) a favor, and never brag about them in every single status update. Good greif.

Okay, angst-post over.


  1. I understand. That happens to me a well as "look at me, I'm fulfilling my genetic prerogative by reproducing!"

  2. haha, luckily (most) of my friends aren't already having babies. Blah. Most days I don't mind. But then sometimes I swear it is a combined effort to make me feel like a loser.
