Saturday, May 29, 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Facebook Angst

Sometimes I feel like I am being mocked with people's status updates. I know it is just me being over-sensitive and bitter. But really? I am sooo sick of hearing about fun parties, and wedding preparations, and how cute or sweet or adorable people's boyfriends/fiances/husbands are.

(sigh) I think I have just been having a lot of single-angst. But really, when I find my someone I will do all of my single friends (if I still have any single friends) a favor, and never brag about them in every single status update. Good greif.

Okay, angst-post over.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Summer Plans

I've decided that I should try to organize my plans for this summer. There are always things that I want to do, but I never get around to. Or things that I wish I knew about, but also never seek out. This summer I am seeking to better myself. So I made a grand list of things I want to accomplish. Some are just around-the-house sorts of things that are more like summer projects. Other are habits that I want to form, in order to become more of the person I want to be.
I have bolded & italicized the things that I want to become habits.

(In no particular order)

1. Weed and finish planting garden
2. Re-stain tree house
3. Re-cover patio chairs
4. Clean up patio
5. Finish awning for cat apartments
6. Make my own clothes (t-shirts, dress?)
7. Fix bikes
8. Trade in old bikes
9. Bike more
10.Go to Yoga classes
11.Run consistently
12.Begin learning French. I have been inspired by my recent trip.
13.Brush up my admittedly pathetic Spanish
14.Make reading list. I want to have a constant reading list that I am adding to and crossing off books all the time.
15.Finish sewing projects
16.Complete house clean-out
17.Put up hammock from Mexico
18.Clean out barn
19.Put up small fence by barn
20.Put up fence by tree house
21.Organize photos
22.Make travel book
23.Organize awards
24.Do more art
25.Learn more cooking
26.Put together recipe book
27.Get a job.
28.Eat healthier
29.Reteach myself European and American history, as well as world geography.
30.Continue to teach myself guitar

I think this ought to keep me busy this summer. Hopefully I can stick to the more motivational-driven items from this list!


Sunday, May 9, 2010


Happy Mother's Day. I love you, Mom.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Die By The Drop

In celebration of The Dead Weather's new album, Sea of Cowards, coming out May 10th.

By the way, do you recognize the girl? That's Alison Mosshart!