Monday, March 8, 2010

Oscar Follow-Up 1,2,3.

1. I was hoping Sherlock Holmes would win for best soundtrack. If it didn't win, I hoped that The Fantastic Mr. Fox would win. If Fantastic Mr. Fox didn't win, I suppose UP would be okay. So Meh, alright, UP is good. It really was very good music, I think I'm just still hyped up about Sherlock Holmes. Plus, I got the soundtrack, so I know all the tracks better. Oh well, I though UP was cute.

2. I don't like The Blindside. In fact, I hate the Blindside. It is embarrassing that it would even be in the same category as the other movies that were nominated. With this said, I think it is easy to see why I am annoyed that Sandra Bullock won for best actress for her role in that movie. Her character was so obnoxious to me. Although I realize it doesn't matter if the character is likable, it is the ACTING that is important, I thought that the character itself had little depth. The movie overall, was painful to sit through, and the idea that it would win over movies that are so powerful as they were (I mean, winning over Helen Mirran and Meryl Streep? Really?) Ugh. The only redeeming quality to this is that Sandra Bullock was funny and she seems likable enough.

3. Ben Stiller coming out as an avatar character was hilarious, even though his eyes creeped me out. I liked Penelope Cruz's dress. I did not like Charlize Theron's dress. Robert Downey Jr. and Tina Fey's presenting bit was hilarious to me. Although I liked Neil Patrick Harris's introduction, I don't think anyone can live up to Hugh Jackman's introduction from last year.

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