Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

#1. I am very grateful for everything I love all the time, unless I forget, then I am still grateful, just too cranky to appreciate it.

#2. Speaking of cranky, my cousins have no tact or manner. I want to slap them. Upside to Thanksgiving? Seeing relatives. Downside to Thanksgiving? Seeing relatives.

#3. But I won't be cranky anymore, because I get to escape with my favored cousin, my sister, and my mom to see Fantastic Mr. Fox!!!

I think getting to hear George Clooney's voice for an hour and a half will soothe my cranky-nerves quite splendidly.

p.s: Thanksgiving dinner way yum.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Life advice

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Commercial World.

I want to live in commercial world. The ones where if you use the right shampoo then you will be beautiful and beautiful men will all hang out and be happy with you in some grassy field.
Or the kinds where if you are wearing the right jeans then some hunk will meet you in the middle of the city in a huge adventure and it'll be super romantic and cute.
OR the ones where if you drink the right alcohol, everybody will love you, and you'll be happy and glamorous.

Curse you commercial writers/designers! >=(

Monday, November 16, 2009

Say yay for hay!

No, I say boo! boooo!
Dumb cows. I just realized that on top of winter being cold and dark and depressing, it is also filled not with joy, but with ear canals filled with hay.

I am starting to feel the impending doom of having to feed the cows one of these days. And I don't like it! I don't like it one bit!

In other news, I got my H1N1 vaccination. Woo! Nasal spray, even better. I hate shot-sore arms.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Is out to get me.

Laptop power chord does not work, laptop dead.
Mp3 player does not work, dropped it, now it clicks.
Car stereo does not work: no cd player, no tape player, no radio, no backlights.
Portable DVD player charger bitten through by a naughty cat, and screen gets possessed occasionally.
Expensive noise-canceling headphones have a short in it.
CPU won't play my favorite games (Lord of the Rings, Sim City) and has no internet access.

Techno-angst over.

Sunday, November 1, 2009