Wednesday, June 25, 2014


I have this bubbling anxiety about going to my family reunion this upcoming weekend. I should be happy and excited, and I am, especially to see my parents and sister. However the blanket emotion right now is anxiety. I feel anxiety because I have gained a lot of weight since moving away from home. I feel anxiety because I know it has to be really noticeable. Especially for people who haven't seen me in a long time. There are a lot of athletic, skinny people in my extended family, and that makes me feel like I stick out even more. Blah. It is strange because I looked at an entry I made in my exercise blog in March of 2013. I was frustrated because I hadn't lost very much weight. The weight I was at in March of 2013 was almost 20 pounds lighter than I am now. I guess the lesson of that story is that I have to be happy that I am currently not 20 pounds heavier than I am right now? Sigh. Dumb.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

1 Year

It is my 1 year wedding anniversary! Wow, time goes by fast. A lot has happened since this time last year. There has been a lot of change that I can't say was fun, but I wouldn't change anything. It has been a wonderful growing experience and we are a stronger team for it! And don't get me wrong, we have had wonderful times, too! I love you, Justin!

Saturday, June 7, 2014


Holy cwap, I'm 24! It feels like I should be turning...I don't know...20 or 21. I don't know why. 24 just seems like a proper adult age. Weird. But yay! I have had a very relaxing birthday. This birthday has been more difficult than past birthdays, in that I have not been able to celebrate it in person with my family and friends. However, it has been so fun to wake up to a pile of presents that my sneaky husband had been snatching off the front porch before I got home, to hide in the back of the office closet.

So, thank you to my sister, my mom, my cousin, and my dear friend for the presents!!! It was so fun to open them and everything was so thoughtful!

Friday, June 6, 2014

X-Men: Days of Future Past

I thought this was a cool poster for the new movie. I was so happy that it was as good, if not better, than the previous prequel. I always get worried about sequels, but I thought it was fantastic. I'm very interested in the direction they will go in the next movie. Particularly now that it seems like the previous movies (made FOURTEEN years ago! Holy cow!) events haven't happened. It feels quite J.J. Abrams Star Trek-y. (Which I'm okay with. Because I guess I'm not a true nerd. Haha)