Monday, August 12, 2013

Birds of Indiana

One of the things I have liked here is seeing birds that I don't see at home. Recently we saw some new birds and I wanted to post pictures so you can enjoy them too. (Although, sadly, I didn't take any of these pictures, haha)

Northern Cardinal

We for certain saw the cardinal. What we aren't certain of is what little yellow bird we saw on campus. We bought a Birds of Indiana book at the Barnes and Noble and these are the ones we have narrowed it down to:

The Common Yellowthroat

American Goldfinch

Yellow Warbler

Prairie Warbler

Part of the difficulty of identifying it was that it was chasing another bird and was darting in and out of foliage. But hopefully we'll see it again and be able to identify it!

We also found a nature preserve where we sat on a bench and looked out into a marshy lake bed. We hadn't planned on going to the nature preserve, it was just on the GPS and we decided to be impulsive, so we weren't equipped to go on a hike. Instead we decided to sit and look around. We didn't really recognize any of the trees or plants, so we also bought a Trees of Indiana book. This is a plant that I thought was very distinctive and so when we got the book I was able to find it quickly:

Sassafras! Such a fun name to say.

1 comment:

  1. I love both of your posts! I enjoyed seeing all the new birds in Wisconsin, too! Sitting with Mike's Grandpa and watching birds felt like hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa Hill!
