Tuesday, March 26, 2013

New Design


I can't decide if I like it or not. Maybe I just need to get used to it.


  1. So, I like it, but I sort of want to see Napoleon's face! I really like the font for the title and having the blog archive on the left.

  2. oh, hmm. on my screen I can see napoleon's face, but I have a fairly wide laptop screen. I was worried about this! I'll view it again at work with my smaller screen and try to adjust the widths.

    do you think it is too dark? I might change the link colors. I wanted red and blue so it was sort of like the french flag, but I might have to change those.

    my other idea is to put back my banner and find a different background. so there is change, but I keep the banner at least.

    thanks for your feedback! let me know if you have any other suggestions!

  3. I like the dark colors, but you might consider a little lighter blue and red. I think that would work best, because the blue is especially hard to read against the black.

    Also, I really like the idea of Napoleon on the side on his horse if you can swing it. It's a way cool idea. I like it better than a traditional banner, I think.
