Monday, September 24, 2012


As I scroll through my facebook feed I see a lot of political posts. Usually anti-Obama, pro-Romney. (Not surprising, as most of the people I know live in Utah, most people in Utah are Mormons, and most Mormons are republican. So, with Romney being both republican AND Mormon, he might as well be a saint, right?)
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the occasional political thought expressed over facebook. And I don't mind at all when people post something political but are very open to other ideas or really just want people to get along. It is the hateful, pointless, flimsy, holier-than-thou arguing that gets on my nerves the most.

So I'm going to post my hateful, pointless, flimsy, holier-than-thou argument on my blog instead of on facebook!

1. I love Obama. I think he is dignified and carries himself well. I'm not stupid. I know this isn't the only thing that makes a president a good president. But it makes it a helluva lot less embarrassing than when Bush would go on foreign trips and meet ambassadors and presidents of other countries. And hey, if the Norweigiens like him, so do I.

2. Despite popular belief, Obama is NOT socialist. With that said, I don't really see what is so bad about socialism. Would living in Canada really be that bad? Or Norway? Denmark? Sweden? Finland? We're not talking about China or North Korea here. We're talking about some of the most advanced, forward-thinking countries in the world. Did you know that in Norway (and I'm sure other Scandanavian/European countries) it is FREE to attend university? It is FREE to get health care? I'm not sure why people would argue this, unless they have some ridiculous concept that there are some lazy bastards who don't deserve health care because they didn't work for it. They are just living off food stamps and taking advantage of the system and us taxpayers are paying for it. OUR hardwork is going to waste on the lazy, stupid single mothers and scared kids kicked out of the house. It is this individualistic, prideful and selfish side of republicans (at least the republicans that post on my facebook wall) that I can't stand. You aren't better than anyone else, including that single mother using those food stamps or anyone else. Yeah, sure, I'm sure there are people who abuse the system. But does that mean you have to assume everyone does? This concept of "Well I had nothing, but then I worked hard and so I deserve health care and those who didn't pull themselves up by their bootstraps don't." is so maddening to me. Chances are you got lucky. Chances are you weren't born into poverty. REAL poverty. Chances are you probably are white and middle class. So get over yourself. Whatever happened to equity? Isn't that something that is supposed to be an American hallmark?

3. I find it ironic that many of the most hateful crap that I hear usually comes from Christians. If you really believe in the teachings of Christ, why is it that you can't apply charity, empathy, tolerance and love to anyone that is different than you? Gay rights? No, they should burn in hell. Health care to all, not just to those that can afford it? Why? The poor don't deserve it. They wouldn't be poor if they just worked harder. Trying to halt human impact on global warming? Who cares? EVEN THOUGH we believe God created everything, it is at our disposal, so he'll just take care of us and who gives a shit about any other creature on Earth except us? (cough. this one has annoyed me for a very long time.)

4. And going off of that last point-I have plenty of family and friends who are Mormon. So this isn't a Mormon-bashing session. But honestly, if you are voting for a candidate for the sole reason that you share a religion, that isn't a very good reason. And really, I don't think Mitt Romney really represents Mormons very well. For one thing, I think he is excessive, gluttonous and prideful. No one, and I mean NO ONE should need a 10,000 sq. ft house with a car elevator in the garage. That is so extravagant and stupid it sort of makes me sick. And that leads me to my next point!

5. I don't think Mitt Romney has a true grip on what life is like for the average American. Because the average american does NOT make that much money. I'm not saying Obama is poor. But I think he is a little more aware and socially-fluent than Romney. Okay. That is my rant. I obviously am going to vote for Obama. I hate all the bashing. I hate Fox news. I hate any news that's sole purpose is to rile people up, for either side. I hate all of the hate. Just shut up and be reasonable. It isn't the end of the world, America isn't going to collapse under Obama, America isn't going to become Orwell's 1984. Just calma llama down. I think I'm going to start posting subtle things on Facebook. Things like "Man, I wish school was just free." or "Just one little check up at the doctor and I get billed a ridiculous amount. Grr!" or "I just wish everyone had equal opportunity to enjoy basic comforts like adequate medicine, education, decent paying job as I do." or "Wouldn't it be nice if we actually took care of the land we have left?" or "It must've been really hard for my ancestors to have to adapt to immigrating to a new land and have to face all the racism" or "Ugh, why do people think it's their business what my love life is like?" and see what people have to say. Chances are my republican friends will 'like' it or something. And not even realize that I'm talking about pell grants, Universal Health Care, National Park protection, Obama's immigration policy, and gay marriage.

I honestly believe the Republicans probably do have some good ideas and points. But the rational, reasonable side now is being drowned out by the hateful, obama-is-a-nazi, tea-party idiots. And for that I kinda feel bad for the Republicans. At least the sane ones.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Having a serious craving for chocowalla bars.