Wednesday, June 8, 2011

X-Men: First Class

I really liked this movie. It is a little more violent than I thought it would be, but I still liked it. I haven't read the comic books, so I maybe am not an expert or anything, but I thought it was really enlightening to see how X-Men formed, and the story line before what we all know. There was also a small bit with Wolverine which I wasn't expecting, and was a nice little treat! It also doesn't hurt that I like James McAvoy as an actor. Magneto is actually sort of a frightening character, even when he is on the good side. I wish things would have worked out so that Magneto and Professor Xavier could have stayed friends. But I don't think there would be the same sort of dynamic if there were two friends fighting evil, instead of two friends set against each other. I also noticed little things that would have started problems in their friendship. For example, when Charles Xavier takes the new x-men, including Erik, to his mansion which will be turned into the school, Erik said something like "You must have had it really hard" or something, that isn't a direct quote. But I think you can see how Erik is noticing the difference between them, and how different his childhood was from his friend. Even though it isn't like Charles had a great childhood. It just was on the opposite end of the spectrum.


  1. YAAY! I love that those two poses show each guy's personality perfectly. You know, I don't think Xavier ever stopped being cocky, and I don't think Erik ever stopped being analytical and skeptical. And I can just stare and admire both. I agree. It was a good film. I'm planning on going to see Thor this week to relax from all the testing and homework I'm doing at the end of the term. BUT, I can't wait for Harry Potter 7 part 2! That's next on the list of go-sees.

  2. ;asldfjasdl;fj, YES. if you are at home when it comes out, we could go see it together, perhaps? oh man. I will probably cry.

    and yes, I agree, I think Xavier stayed a little cocky, and Erik analytical. I also think it is interesting that they still respect eachother. And that they aren't ARCH-ENEMIES, but they disagree. Sadly, that disagreement comes with violence. The interesting thing about it, also, is that you can easily understand Magneto's reasoning. I mean, in a way, (and don't look too deep into this. I'm seriously not trying to compare these two in like, a disrespectful way) but it is sort of like Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. They both want the same thing, but one is willing to resort to violence.
