Sunday, June 12, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

X-Men: First Class

I really liked this movie. It is a little more violent than I thought it would be, but I still liked it. I haven't read the comic books, so I maybe am not an expert or anything, but I thought it was really enlightening to see how X-Men formed, and the story line before what we all know. There was also a small bit with Wolverine which I wasn't expecting, and was a nice little treat! It also doesn't hurt that I like James McAvoy as an actor. Magneto is actually sort of a frightening character, even when he is on the good side. I wish things would have worked out so that Magneto and Professor Xavier could have stayed friends. But I don't think there would be the same sort of dynamic if there were two friends fighting evil, instead of two friends set against each other. I also noticed little things that would have started problems in their friendship. For example, when Charles Xavier takes the new x-men, including Erik, to his mansion which will be turned into the school, Erik said something like "You must have had it really hard" or something, that isn't a direct quote. But I think you can see how Erik is noticing the difference between them, and how different his childhood was from his friend. Even though it isn't like Charles had a great childhood. It just was on the opposite end of the spectrum.


I am now 21 and I am feeling great!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Arctic Monkeys show

Yesterday I went to see The Arctic Monkeys (and The Vaccines) sort of last decision, and I am SOOOO glad I did. They were awesome. And I really got into the music and dancing (by dancing, I mostly mean singing and jumping up and down a lot). Here are some pictures. My little camera doesn't do so well with concerts, but we manages to get some good ones. The problem is that there needs to be an action AND an indoor setting. Maybe firework setting would work? Actually, no, I think it would just have a super long exposure time and then it would just be blurry. Ah, well. We also got some good video, but since that takes so long to upload, these pictures will have to do. I love them. So much.

I'm making one of these my desktop.