Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Semester

My new semester is:
-Spanish 1010 (I took Spanish in junior high and one semester in high school, but I a) was never really good at it in the first place, b) didn't really even like it in the first place, and c) have forgotton most of it anyway.

-Botany 1203:Plant Biology In high school I took AP Biology, and my favorite part was the very tiny section we studied on botany. I have taken a couple of botany classes so far, but they were more of the big picture, and I'm ready to learn more specific things about plants. I hope there isn't too much chemistry, though! yikes.

-Geography 1000: Natural Environments of Earth. This is the class that I think I won't like so much, but I have been kicking around the idea of a Botany Major, Geography Minor, so this is one of the requirements for both. Meh. Hopefully it will be better than my expectations.

-Recreation 4550:Outdoor Education, this looked interesting. And I think that if I pursue the botany idea, then maybe I could work at someplace like the Nature Center, or something, in which case, it would be good to have a class on teaching in the outdoors. I don't really want to be a teacher, but I think I could do presentations, and I dunno. It seemed fun. Hopefully it is.

-Health 1300: First Aid: Emergency Response. This is a strange sort of class. We only have two classes, both of which take all day. And one is at the very first saturday of the semester and one is at the end. I am assuming we learn what it is all about the first time, study like crazy in between, and then are tested on it the last time. I just figure these are good skills to have, no matter what. Plus, one of my biggest fears is being completely helpless in a situation that is out of my control, when there is something I could have done, if I had only had the knowledge or skill. (Plus, it filled the credits I needed, to be qualified as a full time student, hah)


  1. Botany, huh? I can see that. I'm just better at planting and growing things, not memorizing all the cool stuff about plants. It would probably help me to know some of that stuff, but my brain doesn't like science very much. It's good that you're learning first aid; at least one of us is motivated enough to act on that feeling of need-to-know. How many credit hours do you have to take to be considered a full time student at Weber?

  2. I wanted to take the last two classes on your list. I agree it's important to have survival skills!
