Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Horn of Helm Hammerland

Yes, that is right. I am not going to stray from my World Cup fever until it is over. (And even then I can't guarantee anything.) This is what happens when two obsessions collide. Let me introduce to you Lord of the Rings meets the most obnoxious instrument in the world.


Friday, June 25, 2010

Goal! England

Ah, I've neglected my weekend video slighty, most likely to due with FIFA. (that's my excuse anyway). So what better way to infuse my two loves, and have a nice FIFA World Cup song entry (or joke?), by one of my favorite bands, We Are Scientists!

(This isn't my typical video. I have stuck to either official videos, or high definition live performances. But this is a special occasion!)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010



I just tried to post an ENORMOUS post on here. I had been writing it for the past half hour, at least. And what happens? Error. It logged me out, made me sign back in. I signed in, it had lost everything. I thought "No problem. It automatically saves it in drafts." So, of course, I check in drafts. Not there.

I am not sure I am able to express my anger.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I am now officially two decades old.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Another Bag of Bones


My friend Brandon got back from his mission to Brazil yesterday. I am happy he is home, but I have to admit, it makes me feel more aware of how little has changed with me since he left. In one way, I have changed a lot, and probably not for the better due to eh, I would say emotional hardships. But at the same time, when he asks "so, what's going on in your life?" all I can say is "um, well. I'm still going to school, but I don't know what for. and I don't have a job, but that will hopefully change soon." which BASICALLY is exactly the same thing that was going on two years ago. I still don't have any direction in life. I will admit that when I am around Brandon, who is super smart on top of being really talented at multiple things, that I feel pathetic as it is. I am not really good at any one thing. I like guitar, but I'm not good at it. I like art, but I'm not good at it. I like learning, but I feel that I learn a lot, and forget most of it anyway. I like the outdoors, but I'm not athletic or active. I like books, but I don't read enough to be impressive or to seem cultured. All of those things are sort of the pre-existing pathetic-feeling. But THEN, on top of that, I don't have any direction. It is one thing to be talentless and boring. It is another that I basically don't contribute anything to society. Oh? You've learned a new language, have probably tons of self-discovery, and been doing God's work? Well, I don't know what I want to do with my life, and I don't have a job. Basically, nothing has changed in two years. Impressed?
It's not like I just want to impress Brandon. It's that it makes me realize even more (because believe me, I was well aware before) that I am just not that interesting or impressive. I don't think the kind of guy that I would want would be the kind that would want someone who is as useless as me.