Monday, April 13, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things!

Ah, a new day, a new blog. Hopefully I will not neglect this blog, as I have with basically every other self-written chronicle. I feel that sometimes I try too hard to make things work. I have an image in my mind of what I want it to be, and somehow I cannot transfer that emotion or thought into anything material, even if it is just words on a screen. Or lead or clay or paint. I don't like that confined feeling of knowing that I will never be able to hold onto that emotion or remember it, outside of my own brain. I suppose, however, that emotions and thoughts are abstract enough that getting something material out of it would take a real artist. And that is something that I definitely am not. Ah well. This is starting my blog rather angsty. Which is ironic since my title does not match the body of this, even though I wrote the title before I wrote any of this.

I think I'll end with saying that I am doing a paper on the "Evils of Disney" (I actually really love Disney, but there are some things that I think they should work on, like say body image for young girls.) Aaanyway, I found these images of REAL evils of Disney (princesses). It made me happy.

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