Today was a good day.
(I admittedly had a cranky moment, but I, like a small child, get cranky at hunger.)
I had a delicious Cobb sandwich at Ville Bella. This cafe across from campus that makes me want to open a cafe.
Actually, I went to Great Harvest Bread fairly recently, and they had Beatles music playing. Also it was a little tiny Harvest Bread, and I thought I would want to open a cafe that had Beatles playing all the time, but was NOT Beatle themed. On second thought, I think I might just have a Beatle Day. And maybe have some special that was named something Beatle-related.
If that plan fails I'll move to Scotland and live out my TRUE destiny.
Today also was my math final, which I actually think went pretty well. There were some nasty ones towards the end, but win some lose some, I s'pose. Especially since the first several pages I felt pretty confident on. Which it would be great if I could pass that, and have one more math class and then be done. I don't really know what I'll do college-career-life-wise. (oh yeah, cafe/scotland.)
I also went to the library this morning. I really have started to go a lot more often. Admittedly, I am just checking out cds and dvds. That makes me sort of ashamed. I really don't read enough. I just read the same book over and over. If you want something to read, The Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner is really good. JSYK.(even if it is far below my reading, I first read it in junior high, haha)
I really need to get my car's stereo fixed. Speaking of which, can I just tell you I love my car? Well, I do.
The weekend went by way too fast. I think I need to stop rambling and start studying. I am almost positive that those two facts (not studying and rambling) are completely correlated.
Anyway, the rest of my day has consisted of my bath (I take too many. I think I might be slightly addicted to baths. I take them a lot), and shuffling cats in and out. Bossy little furballs.
I feel flabby, fat, and lazy. Blah. If you are still reading this, I applaud you. I am sure it wasn't easy. I promise not to do that again. (at least for a while).