Saturday, November 28, 2015

Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries

Since I caught up to Jane the Virgin, and now have to wait a WHOLE WEEK to see new episodes, I started watching Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, and I LOVE IT! I wish I had all of the main character's outfits. The music and costumes are really fun, and all of the main characters are so endearing. The mysteries aren't particularly complicated (it isn't Sherlock), but you aren't really watching for the mystery, you're watching for all of the interactions between your favorite people and the character development. It's also refreshing to have a female protagonist for a change.

Fun, funny, light, dramatic, refreshing.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Jane the Virgin


Ok, that is all.

Edit: Not sure why this picture is ordered the way it is.
Jane, the main character, is on the left.
The guy in the middle is definitely not the main character. Well...he is according to himself, haha!