Thursday, September 25, 2014

Three Little Pigs


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Xabi's Health

Okay, I'm turning into that crazy guinea pig lady constantly posting about her guinea pigs as if they were children, buuuuuuut, this is big news!

Since the day we got him, Xabi is a little "off". His head is slightly tilted, his ears seem more dirty than the other two, one eye is slightly closed and dull looking, he also kind of has a "wheezy" sound when he runs around, when he eats his food falls out of his mouth, and his teeth look just slightly uneven.

My theory was that he had an elongated root problem. Well, we took him to the vet and she thought the same, but wanted to keep checking. Turns out, Mr. Alonso Kazoo has a nerve deficiency in the entire left side of his face! Poor little guy doesn't have any motor control on that side.

 Hence, his head is tilted, because he can only see out of one eye, so he rotates one side of his head to look at you. His ear is more dirty because he can't feel it get itchy or gunky, so he doesn't clean it. His one eye is slightly closed and dull looking because he can't see out of it, he has a wheezy sound because he probably can only breath out of one nostril, he can only feel one side of his face when he eats and that is why food falls out, and because he probably tends to chew on the side he can feel, his teeth are uneven.

All symptoms of one problem! Unfortunately, of course, there is nothing we can do. Everything else about him is fine. This is just a disability he has. The vet said it might be genetic or he had an accident.

That's the update! And now a picture of the cute widdle piggy.

Xabi likes to jump up into the hay rack. 

Garden Update

 Check out the awesome planter box/step with handrail we* made!

*"we" being Justin.