Friday, February 15, 2013


Went from super happy to super cranky. All of my ideas are flawless genius gold and no one should ever question them! >:(

 ^That was a facebook status I was about to post until I thought people might ask what idea I had and I would feel I needed to answer, but the idea is a gift idea for my mom, who is on my list of fb friends, so it would spoil the surprise.

The idea happens to be a mother's day idea, but that needs approval from my dad, which (of course) he didn't give. Because if it isn't his idea, then it isn't a good idea. At least that is how it feels. I feel like my ideas ALWAYS get rejected and always have gotten rejected. Or they are too much work or too much money or take too much time, or why don't we just get her a new sweater or something?

GRR!! This is why I should ask for forgiveness, not permission.

Saturday, February 9, 2013