Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


It is hard to accept that love can not, in fact, solve everything.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I have been feeling a lot of up and down lately. From calm, content, and happy, feeling like everything is going to work out and be great and wonderful to anxious, frustrated, and furious and like everything is stupid and pointless.


Friday, July 13, 2012

Favorite Couples

I usually don't really care about celebrities or their personal lives. But there are quite a few couples that I think are adorable and I like seeing. I don't go for the usual "Tom-Kat" or "Brangelina" or whatever stupid combo there are. The following are some of my favorite couples.

Alex Turner (The Arctic Monkeys) and Alexa Chung. (TV Presenter) 

Albert Hammond Jr. (The Strokes) and Agyness Deyn. (Model) 

Fabrizio Moretti (The Strokes and Little Joy) and Binki Shapiro (Little Joy)

Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield (The Amazing Spiderman)

Sadly, Emma and Andrew are the only one of these couples that are still together. :( 
Who are your favorite couples?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Life Update + Goals Revisit

Summer is going by really fast and I am starting to realize that I haven't done most of the things that I want to do. Which means I have to pack in a lot! I am currently taking 1 class this second block of summer semester but because it is face-to-face it stresses me out a lot less than my online classes. It is also an entry level class so there aren't huge papers to write or anything. It IS a requirement for graduation though, so I can't take it too lightly.

1. Exercise more! Not doing so great. I need to really focus on this one. It would be best if I had an exercise buddy because I seriously have zero motivation. I want to do more cross-training than in the past. Maybe run/bike/yoga.

2. Eat better! I have done better at packing lunches for work, although not every day. I have been using a website called myfitnesspal.com and it helps out a lot with keeping under a certain amount of calories. I think this, combined with exercise will help me meet my weight goal. (I would be SO happy losing ~10 pounds, but if I could lose an additional 5 on top of that, I would be ecstatic. I don't know if this is manageable, but I know it is possible because I've been that weight before.)

3. Cook! Not much progess here. I really need to finish my project of copying down our family recipes onto recipe cards that I got for Easter. I think that will help motivate me. For one thing I could just randomly draw a card and make it for dinner. This way it can be sort of a challenge instead of a chore.

4. Spend less! I am sort of off and on with this. I have recently had like 5 dollars left in my account, but I just got back from a road trip that cost a lot in gas, and I also have a habit of spending money on other people. Because then somehow it is justified. I am working at not making unnecessary purchases and saving up. I also think I might need an additional job or a new job that pays more. For now I'll stay where I am because I need to get through the semester and a campus job is flexible with students.

5. Sew/Crochet! Okay, basically I haven't done any crocheting BUT I did sew 2 blankies recently for my friend's cats. So that counts, right? I have several projects with sewing.
A. I want to make a t-shirt blanket with all my old t-shirts from vacations or family reunions that I don't want to give to D.I. but that I don't fit in or is clogging up my closet.
B. I want to sew dresses and skirts because I want to sort of push my comfort zone of showing my legs. Haha, this sounds dumb, but I want to learn to accept that I have thunder calves.
C. I want to crochet little animals. My great grandma hill made me a little lamb and my mom still has the pattern. I want to make personalized animals. Also the site that I found has other super cool patterns like succulents and cacti.

6. Clean & Organize! I just cleaned and organized my room, but I want to go through my closet again and get rid of clothes I never wear. I also need to thin out my shoes and maybe also go through under my bed and window seat. Need to do the same in the bathroom as well.

7. Treehouse! Sort of feeling like this is a lost cause. It is way too hot to work out there. But maybe I'll have the kids across the street clean it up for like 5 bucks or something.

8. Garden! A little late for this. But maybe I'll start an indoor herb garden or something.

9. Reading! I am currently re-reading the Harry Potter series! And after that I'll maybe start on something I haven't read for a change!

10. Logic puzzles! I haven't made any. I should start that up again.

11. Document Life! I lost my camera in the San Diego Zoo. :( Until I get a new one this is on hold.

12. Communication! A lot of progress that comes with a lot of struggle. Definitely improved, though.