Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Goals Revisit

1. Exercise more!
I've been running for my half marathon, which means I've been running four times a week and hiking one day. I think that is fulfilling that goal so far.

2. Eat better!
Although running helps this, I still could improve. I have started to justify eating unhealthy food by saying I can eat it because I'm going to run later. But I need to be fueling my body with better things.

3. Cook!
Uh, I haven't done anything about this, haha. But I got these little recipe cards with quick recipes, so maybe I'll try to cook more. That will help with eating better and probably with my next goal, which is...

4. Spend less!
I have spent less money on needless chai tea or overpriced fruit leather from the union building on campus, but I should probably spend less money eating out. Other than that, carpooling with my mom helps.

5. Sew/Crochet!
Kiki! You have helped me with this one a lot! My goal is to have 3 dish rags by Valentine's Day. It will probably not happen with school, but that is what I would like.

6. Clean & Organize!
Okay! I am in the middle of this one. I just did a major rearranging of my room and now I want to go through everything and get rid of a TON of school notes and assignments that for some reason I have held onto. And go through my wardrobe (mainly shoes) and get rid of things I don't need.

7. Treehouse!
I can't really work on this one until the spring.

8. Garden!
Same problem.

9. Reading!
I think I'm going to wait until the semester is over for this one.

10. Logic puzzles! Finish my logic puzzle book. Minimum of 20 puzzles!
Well. I have 4. I haven't worked on them for a while, but 4 is better than 0!

11. Document Life!
I haven't done this at all. I'll think about starting sometime soon. Maybe I can take some time to videotape things on the weekends, if only by walking outside for a little bit and catching my surroundings.

12. Communication!
I think I am improving, but it is still a struggle. I am thinking of going to a counselor on campus and working on this. I know it will be a life-long effort.

Friday, February 3, 2012

10 weeks

10 weeks until the semester is over! 10 weeks until my half marathon!