Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Geography Assignment

So in my Geography class we can get extra credit for watching a foreign film, or a film about the foreign place we are studying. This unit we are studying Middle America, which includes Mexico and the Caribbean Islands. Soooooo, do you think I could watch Pirates of the Caribbean for my project? What about Nacho Libre? Perhaps The Road to El Dorado? Eh? Any takers?

Monday, September 20, 2010


She will never learn. (Perhaps she has forgotten this?)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

New Music Blog

I have a new blog. I have transferred all of my music posts over to it, where I will now post anything music-related. The link is www.childrenofboadicea.blogspot.com. there is also a link to the right, above the About Me, to the new blog.
To kick off this new blog (and also explain it's name) I wanted to share this last video here.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Weekend + Thistle & Weeds

I should have gotten waaaay more homework done this weekend than I did. But I DID get to eat peanut-butter cookies, and had delicious lasagna, and went for a nine mile bike ride with my sister. (Which is a lot for me.) This is our triumphant picture once we got back.

And here is the belated music weekend post: Mumford & Sons

Side note: I am considering having a branch-off blog for all of my music. (possibly another for all the Haaays) Opinions on that? In one sense, I kind of liking everything in one place, in the other I sometimes think that this blog just gets weighed down with videos. Hmmm.

Oh, ALSO! This is the 100th post! Whoo!