Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Good Day

Today was really good. To be honest, it was kind of the first good day in a long time. Not that I consistently have bad days. But I felt happy, and I stayed happy. It actually sort of started last night, about 2 am. (Well, okay, I guess that would be this morning) It started raining, and there was some thunder and lightening. But it wasn't very cloudy. I went out and stood on the front porch and saw stars, while it was raining. It was very pleasant. There is a little kitten from across the street that got left out, and was crying, so I tried to get it, to try and calm it down and maybe give it some food and water, but it didn't work. But! I did basically just walk in the road barefoot, at 2 am, and look at the stars, and smell the fresh rain, with my army of cats swarming me. (I quickly left the road. I hate when the cats get close.) I also saw (and was startled by) a great big toad. I haven't seen toads or frogs for so long, it feels like. Anyway, the next day I got to sleep in, then me and my sister decided that we didn't really have a plan, but that we wanted to do something. So we went to 7-11 and I got an iced coffee and cake donut, and my sister got a slurpee and pringles. We then decided to go and get my car washed, since I have a free sticker coupon. While there we thought we would go get frozen yogurt at Frogurt, that we have never been to. That is over by Bed, Bath & Beyond, which my sis wanted to get these plastic ice cubes that you can reuse for her friend Andy. While there I bought her those whisks that have rubbery coating on them. (I forget what they are called). Annoyingly, Frogurt was closed. (Our original plan was to go to Zeppe's, they were also closed. Then we thought we would go to Boone's to get Frazils mixed with softserve, but they were also closed. Grr). It was SO hot, though, so we decided to go to Wal-Mart and get a kiddie-pool, and sit in our backyard and cool off. We did this, and it was awesome. And also, I finally was able to catch the kitten, probably because it was so exhausted from being left out, and yowling, and being so hot. Poor thing. Also, my sister made really yummy pancakes for dinner AND, my cousin dropped by, which was really nice. Then when my cousin and sister and dad left, I decided to work on crossing something off of my To-Do-List. I chose cleaning the barn. So I moved all of the old bikes out, and piled up all of the random wood posts, and all of the random PVC pipes, and then swept up. There kind of isn't much I can do, because there is really large farm equipment, and not very much stuff to organize. Everything is big and icky. But it was nice to at least do SOMETHING. And sweeping made it look nice fairly quickly. Then me and my mom went to Wendy's and got their blended frosties. I got Oreo. I like Oreo and Coffee Toffee the best. When we got back I went on a bike ride with Chelsea, but the mosquitos were having a feast on my legs, so we went back and exercised in her dance studio. It remotivated me to get my act together. We made plans for tomorrow, to go see Inception, which I've heard it really good. And to also exercise again. I also plan on taking those bikes in. It will be nice to get rid of some of the junk we have. Then, when I checked my facebook, this kid, Chad Laws, who works at Hoagie's Corner (I have a job interview with them at 10 tomorrow) mentioned that his boss was concerned about my school schedule. So I decided I better make sure to take my schedule, to see if we could work it out. (Assuming that I get the job.) But in checking my schedule, I dropped the psychology class I was going to take, because it isn't being taught by the professor it originally listed, and instead I am taking a Geography class! People and Places, it is called. It actually works better with my schedule, too. Because before I had an hour between class (which is actually kind of nice, but it might be burdensome for work), and now it is right after my botany class. (I might have to skeedaddle to class, but luckily it is downhill from the Lindlecture Hall to the Psychology Building.) Anyway, that makes me very happy. It also makes me happy that I already have a friend at Hoagies, (again, IF I get it. but, well, c'mon! please?) I am content. It was a goooood day!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010


I know this is now old news, but...SPAIN WON THE WORLD CUP!!!
Let's see some highlights:

De Jong only got a yellow card, but everyone agrees; it should have been red.

This is an aerial shot of Madrid, when the team got back to Spain. That red bus is the Spain team!


Now maybe my blogging will get back to normal, now that I'm not distracted. I missed several music-weekends, whoops!