Friday, July 31, 2015

New Libertines Album!

So, I knew that the Libs had a reunion show sometime around 2010, and there were sort of rumors or snippets of news about them working on something, but then recently it has been revealed that they have been recording a new album, which is out soon!!!

See this link for descriptions of the track listing. I kind of don't want a new album, in a way. 2 albums in their hey-day, and nothing more sounds good to me. But I have read that a lot of what is on their new album is recycled old demos or bits and pieces from unfinished Libs songs, so I'm pretty excited about that. It also seems like they aren't trying to desperately re-create their 2003/4 sound. But I think a good balance of old and new will be great. eeeee!

NME Track by Track Review

Recent-ish photo from the studio. It's real!
