Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pumpernickle Bread

I saw mewithoutYou last night. ridiculously awesome. sad news: my sister couldn't get any non-blurry pictures. granted, the camera is somewhat new, but not one picture wasn't understandable with dark room, and lots of lights. BUT, there are settings for that! I am somewhat bitter. But I usually am when I don't get my way. And I also think my intolerance for other people increases when my self esteem decreases. This is a somewhat epiphany as of this moment. I'm a baby.

aaaanyway, it was ridiculously awesome, regardless.

my sister and her camera makes me angsty and unappreciative.

which are kind of two words that explain me a lot, in a sidenote.

anyway, game night! at my cousins. which meeeaaaans: rock band! oh, amoux, you fox.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


(Click for larger picture.)


Today's diet:

heated grapenuts
two lemon bars (main ingrediants: sugar, powdered sugar, butter and eggs)
one nutroll
one bag of knottsberry farms shortbread cookies
one salted soft pretzel
large landfull of peanut m&ms
one fudge brownie
one smoothie
four pieces of pizza
about five pieces of twizzler's licroice
one piece of caramel injected double fudge whipped cream cake with toffee chocolate chips on top.

I think I'm going to die.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hair cont.

Okay, so I am feeling much better about my hair now. For one thing, the other night I put some non-friz hair stuff in it before I went to bed, and bobby-pinned my bangs back, so that in the morning, my bangs stand up more. Plus my sister/brother-in-law/nephews visited, and it felt good for them to say they liked it, since so far I've only heard from my family, (which can't be trusted, since I think they just wanted me to stop moping around). Plus my brother in law wouldn't lie, since he told me my cat was ugly, stinky, and annoying. (My beloved dead cat). I will post pictures of my hair now. I am sure you are all (you, being no one) is hanging on every word of my hair dilema.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


I got a haircut today. I have been wanting to get one for a while. i thought I knew what I wanted, and I thought it would be fairly easy to explain. I also thought I did. But the unsure look on the hairdresser's face should have tipped me off. I now look like the girls from the original parent trap. It is very esteem-sucking, and frustrating. It wouldn't be bad if it were fixable, but the problem is that my bangs are too short, not too long. So now I just need to wait it out and try to resist the urge to just buzz cut it all off this second. Also, any possibly cool styles (faux-hawk) require a lot of hair gel, some skill, and someone who could actually pull it off. And I hate sticky hands, have never been good with hair, and am definitly too lame.

I may or may not post pictures later. But for nooooow...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rock Band

Amoux Raphael (my characters name) is the best bass player ever. (Actually, it was my first time playing Rock Band, and I wasn't all that great, but better than I thought.) And if he isn't the best bass player ever, he definitely is the most stylin'!

That is all.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bandits and Mediocrity.

I feel very mediocre. I feel that I will always be mediocre. In every aspect, except the mediocre aspect. I excel at mediocrity. I guess that is an overdramatization. I'm not mediocre at complaining or feeling bad for myself or daydreaming, or crying over injustices of all sorts in the world. All in all, though, I am mediocre.

I get tired of myself in black and white tippity-taps, but not in my mind. Everything sounds better mushed up in my skull.

I think I'll have some mediocre M&Ms now.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hap-hap-happy burfday

To me.